So far:
*Gary has been gone more than he has been home!!! But we have had him mostly home for the last 2 weeks and for that we are grateful!!!
*Gary and I snuck away to Las Vegas for 2 nights. He had to be down there for a conference for 7 days so we left 2 days early and had a little getaway! Addie so wonderfully took care of everything here and while Las Vegas wasnt our pick of wonderful places to go, it was wonderful to reconnect and just spend some time together.
*Noah turned 14!! He has grown up so very much and is such a blessing. He has adapted so well to life in Utah. He has great friends who like to go to the movies and out to icecream as a big group. He has also gotten very involved in Scouts, church ball, club basketball, youth group, and now track!!!

*We JUST found out we are going to be grandparents!!!! WOW! It has taken us a bit of time to wrap our brains around that one. We are parents to young children (our youngest is 7)... of course the range is from 7-21, but thought it would be awhile until grandchildren!! We are so excited for Krisana and Austin (the parents to be)! We know there will be struggles and challenges to come... lets face it, we have all been young with meager finances but we pray they will come thru this even stronger!!! And I might add that the girls are thrilled to be the aunts... and Addie even said that we will get to be the cool young grandparents!! :-) let the fun begin!!!
* And finally, we just found out we are under contract and all issues have been resolved and we are just about ready to begin ground breaking on our new house!!!! We are super excited as it was quite an amazing process to watch how the Lord worked it all out... to keep us in our beloved neighborhood and able to build MUCH more house than we thought possible. We will have 3400 sq feet (finished) with 5 bedrooms, 3 bath, office, craft room, cold storage, great room with a FIREPLACE, and an unfinished 6th bedroom, all on a 1/2 acre lot next door to several of our friends!!! We should be moving in by the middle to end of May. We are living right around the corner so it will be fun to watch it be built!!!
* in the house hunt we discovered that I love it... it was Gary and our dear friend and realtor that brought it to my attention... i love the hunt, SO when life settles down just a bit, I plan on going to school (online) to get my realtor license!!! There is a housing boom where we live and you cant keep houses on the market, so timing will be perfect!!!
whew... so far 2012 is off to a wonderful start. I look forward to see how the rest of year unfolds as we enjoy all the many blessings in our life.