"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Guess who is 5

Molly Shen turned 5 yesterday! Happy Birthday sweet girl. Seems like you were just an 18 month old baby put into my arms. Now you are getting all of your school supplies to start kindergarten.

It is a weird day... with the older kids, I think about the day they were born and know what I was doing and feeling... your birthday brings questions. I think of your birthmother all day- I wonder if she knows you are safe and loved and a firecracker. Please Lord, let her have peace today and know that the little girl that she gave birth to is loved and beautiful and wonderful.


I didn't give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.

For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true.
Though I didn't give you the gift of life,
Life gave me the gift of you.
~Author Unknown

we celebrated by having waffle breakfast and presents then Chinese food and a Barbie ice cream cake for dinner. Does a day get much better????


A brief bio: said...

Happy birthday little one! Crystal

Rebecca said...

I thought of the same thing all day on my Chinese daughter's birthday in July. It was a her first birthday with us (she turned 4), and I kept thinking of her birth mother and wondering if she was making it through the day OK. Rebecca

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday baby girl! I am so excited to meeet her someday! She is an absolute doll.