This morning was shoe shopping day for Molly Shen. It is a day I dread and usually put off until I absolutely have no choice. Especially hard when shopping for sandals... Today was that day. I held it together, had patience galore, even stopped and sat down with burgers for lunch... Noah and Addie went along... we had a nice time (minus the people in town... oh I hate crowds). And as usual it took us HOURS to find a pair that will work, sort of, for Molly Shen's little foot. She was born this way, with a little foot. We knew about this before adopting her, this was not a suprise. She was considered "special needs" in China and not a "healthy" referal. We love her little foot. Noah always says she has the cutest dumplings for toes. It is adorable, but it is smaller and there are no toes, so flip flops are out as well as lots of strappy sandals. In the past it has been an issue to find shoes that stay on her feet well, but there has only been a difference of about 1 size. In fact her feet were the same size, minus the toes. She has lately had a lot of complaints about her legs hurting, feet hurting and has recently taken quite a few tumbles (one that nearly required stitches) . Out of curiosity I had her feet measured. Her little foot is now 3 1/2 sizes smaller than big foot. That shocked me so much I had to sit down. We ended up just leaving the store. 3 1/2 sizes and is much smaller around... this concerns me. Is it a big deal? No. We will see her specialists in June or July... it is just a concern... Little foot has always grown right along with big foot. The orthopedists have said all along that it isnt a concern while they are both growing. We have always prayed that little foot will continue to grow, but there have never been any guarantees... today we were faced with those "unknowns"...
This evening we went to town - After a little bit Molly asked to get in the cart cause her new shoes were uncomfortable... I told Tom I didn't know whether to laugh or cry... In my quest to find shoes that fit I bought the pair that fit the best. I NEVER BOTHERED TO ASK HER IF THEY WERE COMFY!!!!!!!!!! :)
This evening we went to town - After a little bit Molly asked to get in the cart cause her new shoes were uncomfortable... I told Tom I didn't know whether to laugh or cry... In my quest to find shoes that fit I bought the pair that fit the best. I NEVER BOTHERED TO ASK HER IF THEY WERE COMFY!!!!!!!!!! :)
Oh Denise!
Josiah has leg length discrepency and one foot smaller than the other...although not that much of a difference.
We found out recently that the growth of his right leg/foot is more percentage wise than this time last year.
I will pray for your sweet one's little foot.
Let me know what the Doc says.
Online shopping is the best way to get shoes for kids. A large number of stores are available online.
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