Happy 11th birthday Noah. Today is always such an emotional day- it brought an end to a pregnancy that turned out so much better than predicted. I spent most of my pregnancy in bed or in the hospital. They never figured out what was wrong and the prognosis for you was not good. They said I would not live through the pregnancy and that you would never be born alive and IF by some miracle you lived, you would surely suffer from severe complications and never be "normal". We placed you in God's hands- we would love you no matter, for that was how God created you. For a purpose. At 20 weeks we found out you were a boy and we named you- we wanted to know you for as long as we could... we wanted others to know you and for your big sister to know her baby brother Noah. In the end you were born early but alive and from what they could tell, without complications. You were such an answer to prayer.
You have grown up so much and are so much fun. Your sense of humor keeps us all laughing, your friends laughing, and your teachers laughing. You are a fabulous soccer player and a wonderful actor/singer. Who would have guessed??? You make friends till the end and are always polite. Just this morning as I dropped you off for school I watched you as you stopped to open a door for a teacher on your way out to the gym. You have such a tender heart. Our family would never be the same without you. Everytime I look at you I am so thankful for each and every day that we have had with you. We love you so much... and are so thankful that God chose us to be your family.
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday,
Happy, Happy Day!
Happy, Happy Every Day!!!
I Really Hope We Meet Some Day,
Barbara Lyman :-)
Guo' Mama from WCF
Hey Noah!! Happy birthday! Hope your mama doesn't make you eat pigs...or goats!! HeeHee!!
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY Belated BIRTHDAY to you Noah! :) You've grown up so much since the first time we met you. Love your smile and your genuine heart...looks like you had a fun birthday. Enjoy your weekend. Love from your friends in California, The Wongs :)
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