The exact date has passed, but with the busyness of Thanksgiving I just didn't get time to sit at the computer like I had planned. This weekend marked 1 year ago that Grace called us with a question that sent us in a tailspin. We have a possible referral... would you consider twins????? I can not believe that it has only been 1 year since that call. In ways it feels like eons, yet the process was incredibly fast for us. We had only sent in our application 19 days earlier- for 1 non the less... I won't retype the whole thing. If you want to read it again, the story is here. We have now had our boys home for nearly 7 months. Enjoy the pics- oh how quickly they change...
7 months already! Can it have been that long? How the time does fly! I remember you worrying about your 171H right before you left..wow! What a ride! :) I was thinking, the day after Christmas last year was when I decided to adopt again...a year does go by fast!
What beautiful boys!
We have been referred twin boys also, I guess time will tell whether or not ours actually are- not that it really matters though.
I enjoyed your last post about the hair care since I don't know very much about doing Ethiopian boys' hair- we had thought we were getting girls so I hadn't paid too much attention regarding boy's hair styles. I'm sure I'll have some questions for you after we get them home! :)
Wow . Seems like yesterday that you post about your referral:)
They changed so much and they look so happy :)
In 19 days it will be my referral anniversary too.
You have a beautiful family :)
Can you even believe how fast time has gone? We were in ET 8 months ago! It seems like just yesterday!
P.S Bisrat's hair looks so great!!
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