"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, March 9, 2009

It just cant be.

How can it be that I just sent this little girl to school for the first time and then last night we sat on the couch registering for all of her needed high school classes. What electives she would like, what classes would look good on a resume, what would be needed for entering into college. How is that right? When did that happen? I am not ready...


Sandee said...

ah...it is so bittersweet to be a momma. I wanna cry. I look at my Nick, almost 11 and say stop stop...I remember you the first night, wrapped in a blanket making those little baby noises!


as written by Barbara said...

Really??? Where... can't be... no one at your house... sorry... sounds like it's going to open season for eating chocolate at your house next Fall.
Barbara :-)

Nancy said...

oh, i can relate too! just last week, i was filling out a similar form for ally who will be going to ms in the fall. amazing how quickly time flies!!! love the pics of little miss addie. :) i also enjoyed watching that little clip of noah singing -- what a fantastic job he did!!!

Rebecca said...

She is such a young lady! How is it that it's been almost a year since we were in ET?!?! I'm not thinking about Ava getting to be that age...she's not allowed. I plan to keep her 4-ish forever.
Your washer...does she have a name? That post was so funny...well, except for Molly being sick. Poor baby.
You had me cracking up about you and Tom not having any style. I can almost see that conversation in my mind! And then the follow up banana bread....haha!!!! Remind me that I chuckled when Ava does that to Dave and I, okay???